Why Us?


Rely On Us to Create & Enhance Value for Your Organization

RLD Consulting & Executive Coaching, Inc. has the expertise to provide services that will enable you to meet your particular objectives. We are here to help you:

  • Increase Your EPS and ROI
  • Develop and Implement New Programs and Systems
  • Transform Your Information Technology Systems
  • Improve Your Supply Chain Organization
  • Provide Executive Coaching Services

Consulting Services

Our industry experts have extensive experience in developing and implementing all aspects of information technology, cybersecurity, and supply chain operations. We can also implement supplier quality programs that enhance profitability and reduce risk. Our team will work with you closely and partner with best-in-class suppliers to drive increased quality and delivery performance.


Mergers and Acquisitions

We are skilled in navigating the landscape related to the disruption that comes from new entity integration. Experienced in behavioral management techniques, we assist with rapid integration and minimizing business disruptions. Our team has conducted hundreds of M&A transactions, led IMO functional transitions, and negotiated Transition Services Agreement (TSA) to benefit our clients.

Executive Coaching

We understand the challenges of balancing work, family, and time for self. Given today’s personal and business challenges, the task is all the more difficult. Our coaching programs are customized for your specific needs to achieve success and find balance in the areas that matter most to you.


Our Service Approach

We strive to create value for key individuals and great companies. Our team focuses on matching your unique requirements with our capabilities. We'll work closely with you to ensure alignment before moving forward with an engagement.

Flexible contracting arrangements and ease of contracting are the norm. We understand that one size does not fit all and structure our engagements to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Connect With Us

Learn about how we can assist you with fulfilling your organization’s requirements and objectives. Reach out to us today if you have any inquiries.